There has been quite the debate in our country of the right of the public to use certain portions of land. One company may have owned a parcel of property for a significant amount of time that snowmobilers used to access trails, that company may have sold the parcel...
You might be amazed just how many people drive in Montana with a suspended license. Whether one’s license is suspended from unpaid fines or refusing to submit to a field sobriety test, it is hard for a lay person to realize the consequences of being pulled over for...
As Montanans, we love the outdoors and this hot weather sends us to the lake in droves. Personally, I find few things more enjoyable than hightailing it to some body of water as soon as the office closes. Many Montanans also enjoy an alcoholic beverage or two to...
We all have run afoul of that one friend who is an “expert” in the law, whether they read their information off of Wikipedia, or they had a second cousin who was married to an officer in Timbuktu, they will loudly proclaim to you the myriad of ways in which an officer...
If you are one of the 35% of the US population who rents instead of owning a home, this blog is for you, especially if you have been considering purchasing renter insurance. Many renters incorrectly assume their personal property is covered by their landlord’s...