Dedicated to our craft
Identity Theft
Identity theft is now the fastest growing crime in America. It happens when a criminal wrongfully obtains and uses the personal information belonging to someone else – perhaps to you. Such personal information may include your Social Security number, credit card numbers, or the ATM PIN code for your bank account. Although you may think […]

Tips to Prevent Chimney Fires
For those of you lucky enough to have wood burning stoves and/or fireplaces in your homes to help offset heating costs, when was the last time you had your chimney inspected? If not maintained properly, there can be some serious consequences from using an unsafe chimney. Hazardous gases and smoke exit your home through the […]

Advance Payments After an Auto Accident
Montana is unique for many reasons, including one that is beneficial to someone who has been in car accident. When the “liability is reasonably clear” that another driver caused an accident, that driver’s insurance company is legally required to advance pay lost wages and medical expenses related to the accident to the injured party. These […]

Hosting Holiday Parties
Eat, drink, and be merry! Those are wonderful words to live by, especially during the upcoming holidays. As we all know, however, there are dangers associated with drinking and driving. Despite these dangers, people may choose to drink and drive when leaving a party at your home. You, as the host, could be held liable […]

Using Roundabouts Safely
According to the Montana Department of Transportation, there are several easy rules to follow when traveling in areas that have traffic circles, rotaries, or roundabouts. No matter what you call them, keep these tips in mind: 1. Approach the rotary in the right lane (outer lane) if you intend to turn right, be in […]

Should you talk to an adjuster after a car accident?
You have been in an accident here in the Flathead Valley, but fortunately it is obvious that no one is seriously injured. A few days later, you receive a call from the insurance company of the other driver. He or she may sound nice enough on the phone, but remember, you are not legally required […]

Parking Lot Safety
You have successfully made your way back into your car after stopping to run an errand, and it is easy to start thinking of what’s left on your “To do” list, and drive away. However, a study completed by the Independent Insurance Agents and Broker’s Association noted that 20 percent of insurance claims were related […]

Federal Sentencing Considerations
If you are charged with a federal crime, it is essential that you select an attorney with extensive federal guideline experience. With over 95% of federal criminal cases ending in a guilty plea, it is important to be mindful of eventual sentencing even while developing trial strategy and building your case for trial. In 2005, […]
Business Structures
Thinking about starting a business? Let us help you determine the best business structure to meet your needs. There are several options for starting your own business, including but not limited to partnerships, LLCs, or corporations. A partnership does not have any formal formation requirements. A partnership can be formed by two people simply by […]
Carbon Monoxide, the Invisible Killer
It was devastating to read the news of a young man killed, and five other adults falling ill, from carbon monoxide poisoning on Christmas Eve. As quoted in the Missoulian, Capt. Vince Williams with the Helena Fire Department warns, “The absolute No. 1 way to combat this is carbon monoxide detectors.” Often called the invisible […]