Dedicated to our craft
Chain-Reaction Accidents – Who Pays?
Winter is a time for snow, cheer, and…. Many many car accidents. Despite your best efforts, you may find yourself involved in a car wreck at some point during the winter. With slick roads almost a guarantee during this chilly season, it is all too common to see multi-vehicle car collisions. What you do not […]

Avoiding Lawsuits and Injuries over the Holidays
All Montana residents exit their doors with a certain amount of caution during the winter months. Ice can be lurking where you least expect it, and what appears to be a minor puddle can result in a bruised butt in no time if you don’t exercise your winter judgment. Winter is the season of slip […]

Owner Financing: Buyer Beware
Since the last housing crisis, interested home purchasers have found that qualifying for a mortgage loan is becoming increasingly more difficult. The high cost of housing in the Flathead Valley adds to this dilemma. A search on craigslist or the mountain trader reveals an increase in people seeking and offering owner financing. The concept behind […]

13 Things You Should Know in Case of a Car Wreck
When it comes to you or a loved one getting in a car wreck or collision at some point in your life, the odds are not ever in your favor. When and if that time should come, there area few things you should know about how to handle the situation. I would recommend printing this […]

Social Media – Silence in the Information Age
We write often of the need to consult with an attorney after an accident, and about how insurance companies often try to settle your insurance claim for less than the amount you are actually due. What we have not touched on? Some of the methods insurance companies use to dispute your claim. Often when you […]

Montana Automobile Insurance: Choosing a low cost policy may end up being more costly in the long run
As you are aware, if you own a vehicle and drive it, it needs to be insured. See Mont. Code Ann 61-8-301. But with so many different policy options and insurance carriers out there, how should you go about choosing which policy is best for you? Mont. Code Ann. 61-6-103 dictates policy minimum limits, so […]

Privilege Against Self Incrimination in Civil Cases
There seems to be a growing trend in the number of dissolution cases that occur simultaneously with an order of protection hearing. Sometimes when tensions are high and the relationship has broken down, tempers escalate and the police may become involved. This can also lead to criminal charges. In addition to criminal charges, one party […]

Miranda Warnings Part 2
Last week we discussed when it is okay for an officer to not give a Miranda warning, which begs the question, what happens when a Miranda warning is possibly warranted but not given? The Fifth Amendment, U.S. Const. amend. V, and Mont. Const. art. II, 25 both provide that no person shall be compelled, in […]

Miranda Warnings Part I
“You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be provided for you. Do you understand the rights I have just read to you? With these rights […]

Facebook legal advice? Not when it comes to your rights.
Gas station faux legal advice – it is a thing and I don’t know how many times I have heard Joe Schmo in line “informing” the impatient crowd of their rights… or what about the sign that was on a car window circulating on Facebook for a while? I have touched upon this in another […]