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Unfair Settlement Practices and Insurance Companies – How to Beat a Giant

Unfair Settlement Practices and Insurance Companies – How to Beat a Giant

I have a deep-rooted belief that we all have our favorite insurance companies at least based in part based on everyday commercials.  Don’t get me started on Flo.  If I were to miss work due to an accident, an annoying squawking goose would be screeching AFLAC in my head repeatedly.  But the number one comfort […]

Freedom of Speech – to say or not to say, that is the question.

Freedom of Speech – to say or not to say, that is the question.

A lot of attention was recently garnered towards the United State’s constitution, specifically, the First Amendment, following the recent sixth circuit court of appeals decision in Debra Lee Cruise-Gulyas v. Matthew Wayne Minard.  In this matter, a Michigan woman flipped off a police officer after getting pulled over for speeding and being given a more […]

Statute of Limitations and How it Relates to You

Statute of Limitations and How it Relates to You

All too often, we come across people in our line of work that were injured through no fault of their own but failed to take action against the wrongdoers in a timely fashion.  They deal with the aftermath of accidents and try to work their way through the pain, convinced that their bodies will bounce […]

Personal Injury – why your attorney has taken on tortoise mode

Personal Injury – why your attorney has taken on tortoise mode

Personal injury cases get a lot of negative attention in the media and are often viewed with disdain.  For instance, Stella Liebeck’s case, a woman in her eighties who suffered third degree burns to her thighs, buttocks, and groin from a McDonald’s coffee, has been repeated scornfully all across the nation.  There is a common […]

Workplace Discrimination in Montana – know your rights.

Workplace Discrimination in Montana – know your rights.

If you binge watched a few too many Mad Men episodes, this blog may be a wake-up call to you to show that times have changed considerably in the last few decades.  Not only are there federal laws in place, but there are also state laws in place that expressly prohibit certain discriminatory practices in […]

Distracted Driving = Dangerous Driving

Distracted Driving = Dangerous Driving

  Do you own a newer vehicle with fancy gadgets and technology?  Is there a Bluetooth hookup feature to your phone now, so you can see every song playing on Pandora, Amazon, or Googleplay with a few careful manipulations of your touchscreen device?  Despite the numerous song selections at your fingertips, think twice before song […]

Attractive Nuisance – Protecting Children from Injury

Attractive Nuisance – Protecting Children from Injury

  Those of you who have little interaction with the legal field may think of the term attractive nuisance when it comes to Joe Biggolo coming up to the bar to flirt while you’re just trying to have a conversation with your friends.  He may be nice looking, but his advances are obnoxious and unwelcome.  […]